not just Capital Letters, But Periods Too?!?!


[currently listening: two tabs of mescaline by glassjaw]

It's funny thinking about running a blog that doesn't exist yet. I suppose I'm really just testing the waters. This is only the second post, but it's about a month later and there's still no site implementation.

[i think part of me wanted to keep these unpublished, but i developed more confidence as i made more of them]

Today - well, I guess yesterday. I'm writing at 7AM because I haven't been to sleep yet (yeah, Asia fucked my schedule pretty bad) - I made a friend. I've been on a bit of a social streak compared to the past few years of mostly solitude that I've been living. Ended up deciding it wasn't a great idea to reach out to that "old friend" I mentioned in my last post. I'm glad nothing came of it in hindsight. Turns out reaching out to some old friends from high school and catching up filled that specifically shaped void in my heart better anyway.

Anyway, Seoul was pretty neat. Less my style than any of the cities I've been to in Japan, but still a nice place to kill a couple days in. Food there is bizarrely cheap? You can get Michelin-acknowledged meals for like, $15. Can't really knock that!

Japan was great as usual. Went to Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo this time around. Had the best ramen of my life in the former, some really nice curry at the second and bizarrely good Mexican (???) in the latter. Also got INSANE deals on model kits. Came back with a boatload of shit and it somehow only set me back like 350ish bucks. Suffice to say that the yen ain't doing so hot right now.

[i still haven't built any of those lmao - i want to tho!]

I didn't really have a plan writing this post honestly. I'm just using an outlet for my thoughts while I listen to this Violent Vira EP before I pass out. Good shit if you like 00s nu metal/metalcore. Super obviously influenced by Deftones above all else but still plenty distinct I feel. I fuck with it heavy. Nice to feel confident about supporting some music that came from my generation. I'm a zoomer by definition but I'm so close to the border that I prefer "zillennial" as silly as it is. I don't feel I identify fully with zoomers or millennials - just in terms of growing up with xyz as opposed to abc - that middle ground suits best.

I think about Inuyasha a lot and how it's kind of the perfect encapsulation of my childhood, my values and the kinds of things I click with media-wise. It resembles 90s, but it's really the start of the 00s. There's ink coloring and traditional animation, but also digital effects. Eventually it falls off the traditional style entirely and goes full on digital. This also feels fitting to me as shows like SpongeBob had a similar fate.

I should sleep now. I'm gonna wake up with not a whole lot of rest so that I'm more inclined to repair this nightmare of a schedule I've fallen into.

Signing off for now. Maybe next time there'll be a website interface and you'll actually be able to read the words I write.

[fat chance, buddy. try 10 more months]