oh wow, it's written With Capital Letters!


[let's rock]

Gonna start a blog here. This is being written before I've actually laid out the page. I'm writing it on my phone at 4AM - long after I should've been asleep.

[by the way, edits made post-writing date will be marked like this]

I've always loved exploring deprecated rabbit holes. It's such a strange sensation to see a piece of someone else's life by sheer happenstance. Maybe someday this will be found long after I've cared about it. Y'know, for shits and giggles I'll leave an email here. For time travelers and present day-ers alike.

[i decided against this; it's not hard to reach me]

Anyway, I'm currently feeling somewhere between excited and stressed. Gonna go to South Korea and Japan in a couple days. Been to the latter several times but never seen Korea. Should be fun, but I'm not pumped to wait 12 hours on a plane.

I reached out to an old friend the other day. Well, I tried to. Maybe it was against my better judgment, but despite our dynamic being pretty shitty in the past, I'd still like to mend what was damaged - especially because I'm the one who did the excommunicating - but I can't blame her for wanting nothing to do with me now. It is what it is. I wonder if she'll ever see this. Probably not. It prolly doesn't bug her enough anymore for her to try and keep any sort of tabs on me. Maybe it's for the best.

[it was]

Anyway, I'm working on a pretty large-scale project right now. Well - large scale for my standards up to this point. It's gonna be a more herculean effort than Marilyn Manson Goes to Jesus Camp at the very least.

[script is done. editing is another story. adulting and maintaining hobbies is hard]

I was always a little sad that never got any attention tbh. I know it's a niche topic (not everyone's seen Jesus Camp to begin with) but I still feel like it's the best thing on my YT channel. Part of that might be due to how obnoxious it was to create - I was splicing clips with iMovie (which fucking sucks to do). Another part is definitely because of how much better it is than the John Mark Byers Slayer vid (which I ran out of material real fast for). But uh, any way you slice it I think MMGTJC outshines any of the megaten shit i've done.

Anyway, just a quick ramble for now. Well, "quick". Thanks for tuning in. Signing off for now!