

drip and swag are all that matter in this world

iron angel of the apocalypse (which will now be referred to as tetsujin) is the strongest case i've ever seen for a video game being conventionally unfun to its own benefit

this is an impressively and truly awful feeling fps, but in a strange way, it's better for that. tetsujin's atmosphere is so oppressively dense in terms of aesthetics, music and even visual clarity that it couldn't be more appropriate for the gameplay to consist of sub-20fps dungeon-crawling with the worst weapons and shoddiest hit detection you've ever experienced in a shooter. it's like if faceball-2000 somehow ran at an even lower framerate

so why am i recommending that you play a completely horrible fps? because the vibe is just fucking immaculate. the premise is hopelessly bleak without coming across tryhard, the industrial soundtrack is somehow more mechanically clunky than the game itself and the cutscene direction rivals actual cinema despite being from 1994. who the FUCK made this??

oh - it's the guys behind "gadget: past as future"

alright that explains everything